Urinary tract infections or UTI is caused when any part of the urinary tract is infected with microbes. Your urinary tract is made up of your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most UTIs only involve the urethra and bladder, in the lower tract. The microbes causing UTI include bacteria, fungi, and viruses in some rare cases. It is one of the most common infections of the human body. It can be a result of other ongoing infections in the body or due to poor hygiene. 

UTI cases peak in Summers

Severe UTI cases peak in summers and dip in winters, for both men and women. There could be several reasons for this. The most common is dehydration increases in summer, increasing the risk of UTI. Also, researchers say that warmer the weather, more the cases of UTI.

To avoid catching an infection and to treat UTI in time, you must be aware of two important things - it's causes and symptoms. 


1. Using unclean toilets

Using unclean toilets like public toilets that can be home to numerous disease-causing organisms can lead to UTIs. It is also important to frequently clean toilets at your home and avoid using public toilets when possible. Make it a point to use the washroom at your home before going out and always wash your hands afterward.

2. Sexual Activity

Sexual activities do often lead to infections. It may be due to the poor hygiene of your partner or having unclean beddings etc. Always urinate after having sexual intercourse and drink lots of water as it will help in flushing out bacteria out of your body.

3. Poor menstrual hygiene (specifically for women)

Blood during menstruation can be an excellent medium for bacteria to thrive. Therefore, it is important to main some extra hygiene during those days. Change your sanitary pads and tampons frequently. 

4. Urinary Catheters

Patients who use urinary catheters are at great risk of developing UTIs. A catheter can get infected easily especially when it is long-standing. It is important to frequently check and clean the patient. Keep the genital area dry to avoid any fungal and bacterial disease.


1. Burning urination - If it frequently burns during urination, then it might indicate an ongoing infection. 

2. Urinary urgency - Urinary urgency is another important symptom of UTI. The small amount of urine passing frequently can indicate an infection. 

3. Pelvic pain - Pelvic pain is caused due to inflammation of the bladder. Pain due to urinary tract infection is usually in the center of the pelvis and in the lower abdomen.

4. Foul smell - When a lower urinary tract is involved in infection, it might give a foul smell if exposed due to the formation of bacterial or fungal colonies within the urinary tract. 


1. Drink plenty of Water 

2. Maintain Hygiene and proper cleaning of your private parts 

3. Avoid carbonated drinks

4. Take medications prescribed by your doctor 

5. Drink a lot of cranberry juice without added sugars 

6. Stop using Shower products and use mild soaps on your private parts (for females)

7. Take a lot of Vitamin C 

8. Apply heat to the pubic area to get relieved of pain 

9. Avoid too much coffee and tea 

10. Wear loose clothes (underwear) to prevent moisture and avoid further infection 

If you sense any signs of a Urinary Tract Infection, reach out to a doctor before taking any medications.