Cabbage Juice Recipe that beats bloat, removes toxins and heals your gut

Bloating is almost inevitable, especially during the holiday season or after a nice, family gathering.  Being bloated is the feeling of having excess gas in the digestive system, which feels like you have a “food baby’ in the stomach. For some people, this unpleasant feeling is much more than an occasional discomfort.

Causes of Bloating

  • Excess wind ( caused by foods like onions, beans, cabbage, sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli)
  • Constipation ( which can be prevented by eating a high-fibre diet and drinking plenty of water)
  • Swallowing air when eating fast or talking while eating
  • Food Intolerance, especially when the bowel doesn’t empty properly, the food causes gas to be trapped, or too much gas is produced)
  • Coeliac disease ( intestine cannot absorb gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye)
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The good news is that there is an easy way to alleviate bloating, improve digestion, and set up a quick detoxification process.  We are talking about a cabbage juice recipe which works wonders for stomach bloating. 

Stay Healthy and Happy