Inflammation of the large air passages which carry air from the windpipe to lungs is known as bronchitis. 


• Smoking is the main cause
• Allergy like – such as air pollutant
• Infection – viral or bacterial
• Occupation – coal miners, grain handlers, metal molders and people working with dust
• Pre existing disease as pneumonia, emphysema etc. 


• Cold with nasal discharge
• Cough with yellow greenish sputum
• Breathlessness
• Chest pains
• Fever with headaches and loss of appetite
• These entire symptoms can increase in severe condition. 


• Avoid dairy products like milk, butter, cheese because these will increase mucus secretion in the respiratory system.
• Avoid hot spicy and highly seasoned food
• Avoid cold food, cold drinks, ice, ice-creams and aerated drinks
• Drink luke warm water
• Boil a mixture of Bishops weed (Ajwain), tea leaves and water and inhale the steam, helps to decongest. Do this at least 2-3 times a day
• Gargle with warm water, a pinch of salt and turmeric to sooth your throat
• Have only fruits for 4-5 days later can have raw salads, vegetables and sweet fruits for next 5-6 days
• Have hot vegetable soups
• Have bland and boiled food
• Include turmeric, garlic, ginger and onions in your diet but avoid if you are on homeopathic medication
• Consume lots of vitamin C: foods of animal origin are poor in vitamin C. – Fresh citrus fruits, green vegetables
• Increase consumption of vitamin B: Milk and milk products, eggs, shrimps, crabs and lobsters. Lean meat especially pork, fish, dairy products, poultry, egg yolk, Liver, kidney, pancreas, yeast (Brewer's yeast). – Carrots, bananas, avocado, raspberries, artichoke, cauliflower, soy flour, barley, cereals pasta, whole grains, barn like unpolished rice and wheat germ, dried beans, peas and soybeans. – Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grain
• Consume lots of vitamin A; it maintains the integrity of the respiratory mucosa: Liver oils of fish like cod, shark, and halibut are richest source of vitamin A. – Animal sources: egg, milk and milk products, meat, fish, kidney and liver. – Yellow orange colored fruits and vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables
• Have ginger powder or fresh ginger juice in honey before retiring to bed
• Every morning, drink boiled mixture of – ½ cup water, little ginger, 2-3 leaves of sweet basil (tulsi) and mint leaves, or you can eat the raw leaves, this will boost up you immunity. 


• Avoid smoking
• Take rest at home and keep your self warm
• Change occupation if possible in case of miners, etc. or take precautions to prevent the particles being inhaled
• Practice yoga, will help by breathing exercise.