Scoliosis is a deformity of a spine that leads to the left or right deviation of a vertebral column. Depending on the severity of the deformity, treatment is carried on. Some of the basic requirements of its treatment are listed below.

Breathing exercises and relaxation

Due to improper posture, chest expansion becomes limited that may lead to breathing problems and may progress to respiratory tract infection due to improper ventilation. Therefore breathing exercises should be inculcated into an exercise regime. Relaxation techniques are also taught to avoid shortness of breath.


Stretching tightened soft tissues is a crucial part of the therapy. It is required to improve the muscle length of the concave part. Hanging is one of the best ways to stretch the tissues of the concave side. Hanging with one hand (from a concave side) is a more effective form of stretching. You can also see your therapist who can give passive stretching to these muscles.

Regular Correction

It is important to keep reminding yourself to correct your posture while performing daily activities. Set a reminder or ask other people around you to correct you whenever you are in a faulty posture. Eventually, your posture will improve.


Muscular atrophy and weakness are common in scoliosis due to disuse of many muscles. Weak muscles can be assessed and trained accordingly by your therapist. It is important to train back extensors, hips, and glutes with other muscles. Strengthening muscles is a major component of improving posture, hence should not be skipped.

Spine Mobility Exercises

Decreased spine mobility is another complication associated with scoliosis. Movements are limited or painful. It may lead to disability to perform certain activities. It may also cause difficulty in simple activities like dressing up, reaching objects etc. Movement at spine can be achieved by a regular range of motion exercises as prescribed by your physiotherapists.


Back support braces are designed to correct deformity and improve posture. Braces are a good way to preserve the correction achieved by exercises. They also make everyday work like walking, sitting etc easier.