Everyone has some belly fat, even people who have flat abs. But too much belly fat can affect your health in a way that other fat doesn't. Belly fat can be dangerous, when the waist circumference for a woman is more than 90 cm and for a man is more than 80 cm. 

Weight condition is measured using Body Mass Index (BMI) a ratio of weight and height in kg/m2. Indian health guidelines state that a person with BMI >25 is obese, and BMI> 35 is morbidly obese. Indians in general have a tendency to accumulate fat on their belly when they are overweight or obese. 

Increasing BMI is associated with increasing body fat content, but for any given BMI value South Asians, especially Indians tend to have substantially greater body fat, in particular abdominal fat, than Europeans. 

This enhanced abdominal adiposity or belly fat is believed to play a key role in the greater susceptibility of Indians to the metabolic syndrome, a term coined for increasing risk factors for Cardiovascular Diseases, like Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes. The difference between Indians and Western counterparts is due to the difference in body type or adipose tissue structure. 

There are several ways to reduce the belly fat, from exercise to dietary guidelines, however with BMI>30, weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is the best option for reducing belly fat and also getting rid of associated diseases like Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension.”Exercising regularly for 30 minutes 5 days a week, eating more fibre and less carbohydrates are some to the regular methods for reducing the dangerous belly fat. 

Having sound sleep, and taking less stress also contribute to reduction of belly fat. Dr Manish Motwani says,” With higher BMI surgery is the only option for long term success. We see patients at least 15 patients every month with excess belly fat, suffering from Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension. After weight loss surgery, all of them have been able to reduce weight and get rid of the diseases without any medication”.