According to Ayurvedic Perspective, premature ejaculation is caused by aggravation of Vata (air) and Pitta Dosha at the commencement of physical mating. These doshas can be aggravated by anxiety or nervousness before the sexual act. Vata is characterized by its qualities of quickness and heightened sensitivity to the sense of touch. This gives a predisposition towards quicker ejaculation. Pitta plays a role in thinning of the semen, thereby supporting its early ejaculation. Secondly, these aggravated doshas cause hyperactivity of muscles in the male organ, thus increasing sensitivity to vibration and hence leading to early ejaculation. 

Ayurvedic treatment of premature ejaculation is aimed at keeping the Vata and Pitta imbalance by eating a balanced diet. Problems of stress and anxiety during sexualintercourse can be effectively dealt with rejuvenating herbs, yoga, meditation and counseling. 

Diet Advice:

  • Avoid intake of pitta-aggravating foods like hot, penetrating, or excessively salty and spicy foods, as well as chilies, garlic, pickles, fermented and preserved foods.
  • Increase intake of foods that are sweet and have a cooling effect on the body, like milk, butter, purified butter, almonds, raisins, black gram, licorice and asparagus.