The gluteus maximus will be the fulcrum from where we will unwire the dysfunctional path of integration in the body. Under optimal circumstances, the transverse abdominis will be the primary region of stability found within the body.  Its cylindrical structure will pull the spine into a neutral position, enabling the structures around it to move in a dynamic fashion.  The problem is that we operate under suboptimal conditions in our culture that create an imbalance that will render the transverse abdominis into a situation of failed intrinsic core stability.  

Since the hip flexor complex is typically in a constant state of hyperactivity, it will then promote an anterior tilt in the pelvis, which will invariably bring about an extension in the lumbar spine.  If the lumbar region was somehow dysfunctional by itself without the influence of hip flexion being a restrictor, it is quite likely the transverse abdominis would be able to address the role of an extended lumbar and bring about a neutrality to the spine.  

However, when the hip flexor complex is added into the equation with an extended lumbar, the transverse abdominis will not be capable of combating both of those dysfunctions.  In this given context, another muscle will have to come into the equation to assist the transverse abdominis.  That muscle is the gluteus maximus.  Since the gluteus maximus acts directly as an antagonistic muscle to the hip flexors out of function, it will communicate via reciprocal inhibition that those muscles should incline themselves towards elongation.  

By incorporating the functional use of the gluteus maximus, the transverse abdominis will now be given a chance to effectively stabilize the spine. If this gluteal activation is repeated over the course of time, the transverse abdominis will only have to worry about an extended lumbar getting in the way of neutral spine dynamics.  This is a job that the muscle is capable of handling.  In order to build the base point to efficient spinal stability, the functional activation of the gluteus maximus takes priority in integration before all other muscle structures.


The goal for this section of corrective exercise is to recruit the gluteal muscle structures responsible for giving us a base of support to balance from. This region of the body will feel fatigue when effective joint positioning is in place. It is strongly urged to use a mirror for spotting deficiencies that will prevent effective muscle activity from happening in the glutes.