Acne is a common human skin disease mostly found in adults during their teenage. Characterized by seborrhoea (red skin), comedones ( blackheads), papules (pinheads), pustules (pimples), nodules, etc. Acne affects skin over face, the upper part of the chest, back where skin contains hair follicles, sebaceous glands.Mostly, acne is seen in adolescents because of increased testosterone levels or androgens.

Signs and Symptoms

Acne includes seborrhea (increased sebum secretion), comedones, papules, pustules. Scars are formed by inflammation of dermis caused by acne by deposition excessive collagen formation in process of healing the wound.Ice pick scars, car box scars,  hypertrophied scars are various types of scars. cystic acne. Pigmented scars are the result of formation cystic acne. They often leave an inflamed red mark.

Homoeopathy and Acne

Homeopathy for acne is different from conventional treatment in that a homoeopathic remedy is individualized to the person. Because every person is different, no single homoeopathic remedy will work for everyone. A remedy is selected based on a person’s unique set of symptoms, including (but not limited to) their acne symptoms. Therefore, seeking care with a homoeopathic healthcare provider will likely result in the greatest success when treating acne.