Urinary tract infection is a common disease that mainly affects women. The worst part about the disease is that there are high chances of recurring infections in people who have once suffered from the condition. Since UTI can become serious and even have long-term complications, it’s better to take necessary precautions and prevent it from recurring.
Here are 7 Ways to Prevent recurrent Urinary tract infection:
1. Drink plenty of water: Water helps to flush out bacteria from your excretory system. When you drink more water, you will feel the urge to urinate more often. This will clear your urethra and reduce the risk of bacterial growth.
2. Try cranberry juice: Cranberry juice is scientifically proven to treat as well as prevent UTI in a natural way. It works by preventing disease-causing organisms to stick to the walls of the urethra where they colonize and grow.
3. Vitamin C rich foods: It has been found that vitamin C rich foods like oranges make the urine more acidic. This helps the body to destroy and reduce the number of UTI causing bacteria that might have gained entry into your urinary system.
4. Avoid using skin products: Use of perfumed products, creams or gels around the genitals can greatly increase your risk of catching UTI. These products can easily irritate the lining of the urethra and make you more susceptible to infections.
5. Wear loose clothes: Wearing loose garments allow the genitals to remain dry, preventing the growth of bacteria that might have entered your urinary tract system.
6. Be cautious while having sex: Having sex gives a good opportunity for bacteria to enter your system. So, be careful. Urinate soon after having sexual intercourse. This will flush out organisms that may have reached the urethra. Sometimes, changing sexual positions may reduce the risk of recurrent UTI by reducing friction. Also, wash the area with water thoroughly after having intercourse.
7. Practice good hygiene: Basic restroom hygiene can effectively prevent recurring urinary tract infections. After every bowel movement, ensure you wipe from front to back to prevent the disease-causing organisms to enter the urethra and cause infection. Women should also avoid tampons and regularly change sanitary pads during their menstruation.