Diarrhoea is the commonest endemic disease in all developing nations and despite all health major by governments in effectively managing, still it pops out time and again in different localities .
Infections and the malnutrition associated with them are responsible for a significant proportion of population. Here are 6 ways to protect yourself-
- Hand-washing with soap
It's a major prevention of this pandemic disease in hospitals as well in every home .It safeguards children from going contamination as they come from schools and take snacks direct.We need to do self and make kids get acquainted to make it routine for every meals or snacks to have a washing before. - Water sanitation
Now a days maintaining sanitation of drinking water is a big problem for many local governance due ignorance of general public. People need to be conscious to report of any leakage of main pipeline supply. And Municipal as well Non-government organisation need to have a cross check of the procedure and protocol followed in treatment of water plant in periodic basis. - Weaning of food
Major Junk foods prepared at a very lower water sanitation and on damn contamination which is never checked by authority unless until some health hazard won't happen. its a major threat and prevention to take them random is the best key for safeguard of diarrhoea .Now a days even in professional food carts keeping bulk non veg items on preservative is random which also goes blind eye by authority so do we never bother to cross check the date of utility rather a thick topping or a sauce do make us grab the food pack.Its better to avoid them , in particular in festive session.Much more important is to make the small petty vendors aware of making sanitation and to use sterile drinking water, portable water as well gloves it will be a great prevention act. - Disposal of Excreta
Disposal of waste is always a back seat program in developing countries and we feel its the municipal job and make a hell of the safety norm of lavatory and washrooms even of home.We need to take care to prevent any leakage as well need to take ought most care to look into excreta disposed happening at drainage point.Many local mohallas sanitation is at the worst on scene.People don't have enough facility of common washroom in bulk for it. - Sufficient Fluid
To prevent the condition on slightest alarm of bowel , need sufficient fluid oro take to the patient with hospitalisation immediate.It will make a safe and prevention in time. - Breast feed
Immunization and resistance are the biggest safe norm and the authentic is breast feeding which many are not doing now a days.its give child an immense protection and best prevention from malnutrition. Diarrhea is more a evil conditioning by our ignorance than a biologic hazard, all we need is prevention by little bit alert n care which will make a safeguard not on fluid retention but will keep you away of bowel upset to stay fit for all season.