1. Eat healthy 
    - Simple wholesome home cooked food should be eaten.
    - Avoid fried, spicy, fatty and outside food.
    - Take plenty of oral liquids. 
  2. Rest at home
    - Resting will lead to peace of body & mind.
    - Operative area will heal faster.
  3. Take medicines on time
    - Antibiotics will prevent infection.
    - Iron & vitamin tablets will improve your general well being.
  4. Go slow on work and exercise
    - Work should be resumed gradually.
    - Heavy work is to be avoided for at least six weeks.
    - Breathing exercises & Praanayam is good and will improve oxygenation of blood.
    - Walking can be started next and later on other exercises can be done.
  5. Delay having intercourse
    - Intercourse can be resumed after six weeks.
    - Visit your gynaecologist and check up to know if healing is complete, is necessary.
  6. Visit your doctor on time
    - Keep in touch with your doctor, consult and get yourself checked as per schedule.
    - This will keep a tab on your recovery, diagnose any complication at earliest for timely treatment.