There are 5 different dimensions or zones which can help people become aware of their communication. The five zones are…..
- Sensations: This zone includes a sense of touch, smell, sound, sight and taste. Intuitive sensations come from a person’s internal world. Nonverbal information can provide useful feedback about our effectiveness in communicating with others whereas verbal words can confirm or disconfirm them.
- Thoughts: This zone looks at meaning one makes out of one’s interactions. We mostly see the world not how it is but how we are and filtering it through our belief system. Our interpretations help us understand the world, but can lead to incorrect conclusions so it is important to be open about other person’s thoughts and ideas.
- Feelings: This zone is about our emotional reactions to what we experience. Our feelings are predictable and rational. Awareness and understanding of one’s feelings and others are required for one’s own identity. Feelings can be positive, negative and mixed. Whether to express them or not is another important aspect in relationships.
- Wants: This zone is about our intentions. Our wants are based on what we need and expect. They reflect our core values and help us organize and motivate action. Three types of wants are to be, to do and to have.
- Actions: This zone is about our behaviour. Action often speaks louder than words so therefore, we need to pay attention to it when we communicate. So, to increase our awareness of our own behaviour, it is essential to ask others for feedback or to take the perspective of an outside observer.
If we are in a trouble or confusing situation, these dimensions can be used to understand and deal the situation. These zones provide brainstorm insights and options to solve problems quickly and efficiently. Whenever nonverbal and verbal inputs indicate that something is wrong in the relationship then start with any dimensions of communication that comes into your conscious and one by one later focus on all 5 zones and proceed around the model to resolve the problem.