Newborns primarily need your love, care, and attention. If you aren't sure whether you're on the right track with your little one, read on to find out the 3 most important things that your newborn needs:

1. Skin-to-skin contact

One of the best ways to speed up the bonding process with your newborn is by having as much as possible skin-to-skin contact with your child. This is important as the newborn connects through smell and touch during this time. The senses of your baby are naturally tuned to react to the feel of your bare skin and your distinctive smell.Many studies also suggest that close physical contact can help in reducing stress in your newborn so as to allow its biological drive to come through and easily latch onto your breast to feed itself. In other words, it ensures a higher chance of getting the newborn started on breast milk in case your child is not taking your breasts easily.

2. To be breastfed: 

The best food for your baby is milk that is produced by you. Breast milk offers a host of benefits that go beyond basic nourishment. According to research conducted by the national institute of environmental health sciences, a child faces 20% lower chances of dying between the ages of 28 days and 1 year if he or she is breastfed.Protecting your child from illnesses such as childhood cancers or type 1 and type 2 diabetes, allergies, and obesity are some of the very important benefits that mother's milk can provide.

3. Swaddling your baby right

Wrapping a blanket snugly around the body of your newborn can help calm your little one and promote sleep. Several studies reveal that this technique of swaddling (which is done to resemble the mother's womb) if done correctly can bring about longer and better sleep for your child as well as reduce instances of crying. It also ensures your baby stays warm and comfortable.