2 CHIROPRACTIC Flexibility Exercises FOR BACK PAIN

Flexibility exercises are exercises that stretch or aim to lengthen a particular muscle group. Stretching helps to prevent injury and increase range of movement. We would recommend that stretches are best done after a warm up. The stretch should be held for 30 seconds and you should feel a slight resistance in the muscle being stretched, not pain or shaking. Hold at this point of slight resistance and don’t bounce at the end of the movement.If you find yourself holding your breath, then you are trying too hard and need to ease off the stretch a little.In this  we have concentrated on the muscle groups that get particularly tight in people with AS.

1.Piriformis / glutes stretch 

Benefit of exercise: to help maintain or increase length in your buttock muscles 

Equipment required: gym mat 

Repetition: 4 times to the left then 4 times to the right

Hints and tips: 

Maintain neutral spine throughout movement – if your trunk “sags” during the exercise, slightly bend the knee of the leg that remains extended out on the floor 

Do not “bounce” stretch position – hold static position

1 Starting position:Sit with your legs straight out in front of you.

2 Movement / action:Slide one heel up alongside the straight, extended leg and cross the bent leg foot over the straight knee. Using your hands pull your bent knee in towards your chest.Hold this position for 30 seconds. Return the leg back to start position through the same movement line.

2.Glutes stretch 

Benefit of exercise: to help maintain or increase length in your buttock muscles 

Equipment required: gym mat 

Repetition: 4 times to the left then 4 times to the right

Hints and tips: 

For all exercises when you are lying on your back on the floor, if the back of your head does not easily rest on the floor, then we would advise you to place a folded towel under your head to help you achieve a neutral spine. By this we mean that you should fold the towel just enough times so that your head is supported with your chin level and not pointing up to the ceiling, or resting on your chest. 

Keep both shoulders and head resting in contact with floor 

Do not “bounce” stretch position – hold static position

1 Starting position:Lie on your back, legs extended out flat on floor.Arms lying at your side, palms facing down.

2 Movement / action:Bend one knee up halfway towards your chest, with the opposite hand placed on the outside of the bent knee,gently pull the knee across your chest aiming your knee towards the floor. Your other arm and shoulder should remain in contact with the floor or mat at all times. Hold the stretch just before your shoulder wants to lift off the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Return the leg back to start position through the same movement line.