1st October is celebrated as the International Day for Elderly People each year. The main purpose behind the day for elderly is to make people aware of the importance of senior citizens who are often neglected in society and also about the responsibilities of society towards them. There is a special need of the elderly population which has to be given prime importance.

Ageing has various problems and that we won’t understand until and unless we became old. Ageing leads to some amount of morbidity with various diseases and disabilities, compromising their ability to lead an independent life. Reduced mobility and neglect from family members furthermore degenerates their condition. Aging reduces their immune system making them more susceptible to diseases. So it is our responsibility to provide long-term care to them and thus contribute to healthy ageing. We should take care and help for the graceful aging of our grandparents.

The problem of the elderly people should be seen as a societal issue rather than an individual's problem. Someday, we will all be old. We will undergo similar problems as faced by our grandparents today. Thus, it is our moral duty that we should improve our attitude towards the older people and appreciate their role in our lives. They have more experience than the younger generation. Even by helping them we can learn something from them and that should be the attitude.

Even the elderly people can help themselves or their partners and friends for graceful ageing. In present days instead of depending on younger generation elderly can help themselves to live better. There is saying that- No one can help you better than yourself.” Your future is in your hands.

There are some important things that will help you to easily proceed in the further journey of life.

  1. Take adequate rest.
  2. Have a proper balanced diet rich in protein, vitamin, minerals, fibers etc. Enrich your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  3. Keep time for yourself. Do various exercises like walking, yoga and meditation.
  4. Understand your special health care needs. Consult your doctor and get your preventive check-up done on a regular basis.
  5. Engage yourself in social, cultural and spiritual activities with family and friends. Get into activities that will boost your confidence.