Atrial Fibrillation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Atrial Fibrillation?

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) is referred to as a type of heart arrhythmia that leads to the irregular beating of the top chambers of the heart along with the atria quivering irregularly. The conditions of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) have been described as acute or chronic with the chronic Atrial Fibrillation lasting for more than a week. 

However, after the release of the new guidelines in the year 2014, chronic Atrial Fibrillation is now regarded as “long-standing” or “persistent AFib.” The conditions of long-standing and persistent Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) are known to last for over 12 months. 

Some of the additional types of Atrial Fibrillation conditions include:

  • Persistent –the Atrial Fibrillation conditions that are continuous for over a week but not more than the period of 12 months. 
  • Paroxysmal –the Atrial Fibrillation conditions that tend to be intermittent and thus, last for less than a week.
  • Permanent -Atrial Fibrillation conditions that serve to be continuous and cannot be treated. 

How does Atrial Fibrillation Occur?

Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) is the condition defined as the irregular and rapid heartbeat movement and rate that happens when the upper two chambers of the heart (known as atria) tend to experience chaotic, irregular electrical signals. 

In normal cases, the electrical impulse would travel through the heart’s atria and then across the connecting pathway between the lower & upper chambers of the heart referred to as the atrioventricular (AV) node. However, in the case of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), the atria (upper chambers) of the heart experience irregular, chaotic electrical signals. Because of this, the atria tend to quiver. The ventricles of the heart also start beating rapidly –not as rapidly as the atria. The result is felt like a fast, rhythmic beat in which the heart rate might range between 100 & 175 beats per minute –contrary to the normal range of 60 & 100 beats per minute. 

Who is Prone to Atrial Fibrillation?

There is no specific reason for experiencing the symptom of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib). However, those having some kind of abnormalities in the structure of the heart might experience Atrial Fibrillation symptoms. Some of the additional factors contributing to Atrial Fibrillation include heart attacks, high blood pressure, some congenital heart defects, coronary artery diseases, lung diseases, and others.

What are the Symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation? How is Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosed?

In some typical cases, the Atrial Fibrillation conditions might not cause any symptoms. However, if you do experience some Atrial Fibrillation symptoms, these might include:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Fluttering in the chest
  • Chest pain
  • Weakness
  • Anxiety
  • Profuse sweating

The Atrial Fibrillation AFib symptoms might resemble the ones associated with heart attack. If you are experiencing any of the AFib symptoms, you must consult your doctor as soon as possible. 


As Atrial Fibrillation conditions might not always reflect proper AFib symptoms, it might difficult to diagnose the condition properly. If the doctor suspects that you have Atrial Fibrillation, then he or she would review the medical history and possible AFib symptoms. A diagnostic test including ECG could be performed towards evaluating the electrical activity of your heart. Some additional tests that your doctor might perform for diagnosing Atrial Fibrillation might include:

  • Blood tests for checking into conditions like hyperthyroidism or others
  • A stress test for evaluating the functioning of your heart during exercise
  • Some event monitor including Holter Monitor for recording the electrical activity of your heart
  • Echocardiogram for viewing the structure & functioning of your heart

What are the Complications of Atrial Fibrillation?

Some of the complications might include:

  • Risks of heart attack
  • Rapid heart palpitations
  • Extreme fatigue
  • The sensation of nausea and vomiting
  • High blood pressure

What is the Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation?

Towards reducing the chances of blood clots and possible heart attack, the treatment for long-standing, persistent Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) conditions always tends to be aggressive in nature. Some of the major goals of the AFib treatment include restoring the normal heart rate & rhythm and treating the underlying conditions that might be causing Atrial Fibrillation.

Proper medication always serves to be the first line of AFib treatment. The medications might include calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, or digitalis. In some cases, blood thinners might also be recommended for reducing the risks of the development of blood clots. 

In case the Atrial Fibrillation conditions are not managed by medications, then invasive treatments might be suggested including:

  • Catheter ablation 
  • Electrocardioversion

Home Remedies for Atrial Fibrillation

  • Include vegetables and minerals in your daily diet
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit the intake of alcohol
  • Reduce stress

Did You Know?

  • Atrial Fibrillation affects lots of people all around the world
  • AFib is the major cause of heart attacks and strokes
  • The quicker the diagnosis & treatment, the lesser chances of heart attack

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