My father in law is having loss of appetite and his weight has decreased by 5 to 6 kgs in the past 6 weeks. additionally he keeps complaining of stomach ache. he has had a history of alcohol abuse (nothing for last 2 years) and currently consumes tobacco for 2 - 3 times a day. his blood test findings are as follows:
haemoglobin - 5.7 (low)
rbc - 3.5 (low)
packed cells volume - 22.6 (low)
mean corpuscular volume - 64.57 (low)
mean corp hb - 16.29 (low)
mean corp hb conc. (mchc) - 25.22 (low)
rdw - 18.5 (high)
platelets - 3.14 (normal)
rbc morphology - hypochromia (++)
microcytosis (++)
anisocytosis (+)
pokilocytosis (+)
esr is 40
urine shows traces of leukocytes abd squamous epithelial cells
lft is normal but serum globulin is little high at 3.8 and
albumin:globumin ratio is 0.89
renal function test is normal
patient is 54 years old male
request your first cut diagnosis and prelimnary treatment suggestion