USG REPORT says Micro cholelithiasis
Just one months back my wife gone through a cesarean delivery. Now after USG report it says " Gall bladder is partially contracted and thick walled showing a few tiny echogenic calculi average diameter 3 - 4 mm posterior acoustic shadow."  After showing these to a general surgeon, doctor prescribed following medicines for 10 days 1. Rabifast Dsr 2. Ondem4 3. DRT 4. T. Udilive150 4. Mericef 200. Kindly advice for the mentioned medication and can it be treated without any surgery. Also if there any risk factors now and in coming days.
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Hi sir, with the ultrasound reports this looks like picture of recurrent gall bladder infection as the wall thickness mentioned is more and gall bladder is contracted with multiple gall stone. Its better she should go for a Laparoscopic removal of gall bladder as this may cause problem in future.
Next Steps
she should avoid oily / fried foods.
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