Surgery necessity in rectum cancer
Hi, patient(62) has cancer tumor in upper and mid rectum(4cm lenth x 1cm width tumor left after chemo-radio and 2 cycle chemo). Now the surgeon says he will remove the affected part and do anastomosis using laparoscopy with intermediate ileostomy. But patient doesn't want to have surgery fearing of sepsis death. Can we continue/manage with just chemo  and avoid surgery completely or is there any other remedy?
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Surgery is a must for best result in the rectal cancer treatment. Meet the surgical oncologist personally and ask for all the options
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No. Surgery is mainstay of treatment.  Without surgery it would be almost impossible to achieve chances of cure. With only chemotherapy disease will remain controlled for some time and eventually start progressing and at that point of time if the disease is so much advanced or metastatic then surgery would not be an option. So go for surgery as this is the right time. In today's modern era surgery is very very safe. Complications can happen with any procedure, be it surgery or chemotherapy.
Next Steps
Go ahead with surgery
Health Tips
Seek of opinion of Surgical Oncologist
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