Success of Enclomophene
Started taking Enclomophene 100mg since 1 month along with adova 1 mg.on 13 day took HCG injection.tried 4 days as per doctors instruction.and after took susten SR.button result is unsuccessful.I want to know why it fails? how long we have repeate the process? any suggestions?
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Have a proper advice from a good infertility specialist.. With all investigations .. It is important to know your ovarian reserve and cause for infertility.. So further plan can make
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Hello, enclomophen is clomifene ,a ovulation inducing tablet ,it only works if you have enough ovum in graffian follicle, doctor may increase the dosage if it fails , but ultimately if you have very poor reservoir of ovum then doctor would suggest you to go for intrauterine uterine insemination technique .
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