Small growth on penis skin apimple/cyst?
Let me enlist the symptoms 1. A small round, firm immovable pimple like bump on penis skin (superficial) 2. It is on the penis shaft skin around the middle length of penis. There is no hair on that area. 3. It appeared 1 year ago( august 2023). It has been of the same size since a year with no change in size : 1 mm 4. There is no discharge or pain , no itching or discomfort 5. It had a shiny reddish appearance on the skin but with time in the past several months it has developed a small crusty top while perimeter is still shiny reddish 6. The shape is round, regular but a bit flat if I see it from it’s side.
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It's viral molluscum will improve with medicine... for detailed medicine prescription do online consultation
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No need to worry.specific treatment is depends on severity of the disease . Complete medical history is required.. Pls do online consultation with Dermatologist for detailed prescription & guidance.
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Molluscum contagiosum go to near dermat for removal
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