Rickets - Knock Knees
Hello, I am a mother of twins – one girl and one boy, who are now 2.2 years old. Our family has a genetic condition called achondroplasia. However, most of their milestones have been on time. Since my daughter started walking, she has been standing with knock knees, with one leg straight and the other resembling rickets. Is there a cure? I consulted the renowned Dr. Ashok Johari, and he said this should improve with time. However, I am still worried
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I would like to examine the patient before giving any opinion.
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Deformities should correct with the time. Focus on calcium and vit d supplementation
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if deformities getting worse consult nearby pediatric orthopaedic surgeon.
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Wait till 7 yr of age
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Calcium and vitamin d supplementation is all that needed. Surgical correction if needed if deformity persist after a certain age of the child. How ever severe deformity needs early intervention
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