Problem in concentration and listening
Even though i have work, i am not able to concentrate on work. My listening skills reduced and memory power decreased and not able to grab the details . Always in a kind of sleepy mood ( i am sleeping 8 hrs per day). Please advice to activate my brain.
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these symptoms could be part and parcel of the stress you may be suffering from. It can be due to some hormonal imbalance as well. So better consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist for an appropriate look on your problem.
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Are you ready to wake up everyday,  with enthusiasm,  because you have a purpose. Identifying the goals and taking up some action plans,  might give you some motivation to face your life.
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You can get back to an enthusiastic life,  just by sharing your feelings to a professional. That might give you a clarity. Consult a psychologist.
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There are five memory centeres in your brain, linguistic,logical,kinesthrtic, visual , spatial. May be one of them is over working , you may need professional help
Next Steps
check which memory centre is unproductive
Health Tips
go to my YouTube on memory center's against my name p t sunderam in you tube channel
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