Muscular pain
Hi, my name is rohit 25yrs of age. Nowadays I don't feel like energetic and fresh. Always I feel like sleepy and lazy, not willing to do anything. I don't know whats wrong with me but I always have muscular pain all part of my body. I do intake my regular diet. Please help me out.
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Hi, Nearly everyone struggles with being overtired or overworked from time to time. Such instances of temporary fatigue usually have an identifiable cause and a likely remedy. In some cases, fatigue is a symptom of an underlying medical problem that requires medical treatment. Most of the time, however, fatigue can be traced to one or more of your habits or routines. certain self-care measures may help: Reduce stress. Develop a plan to avoid or limit overexertion and emotional stress. Allow yourself time each day to relax. That may mean learning how to say no without guilt. Improve sleep habits. Go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Limit daytime napping and avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. Pace yourself. Keep your activity on an even level. If you do too much on your good days, you may have more bad days.
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Muscular weakness causes
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