My mother aged 55 yrs is a patient of hypertension and takes medicine like tritelsar 80hs, forxiga 10mg,nexito forte regularly as per doctor's advice. Her bp is within limit ranging around 130/80. She seems ok. No physical problems as such. Please share some information about the ecg report attached.she is not diabetic. No smoking habit and no alcohol consumption.she is slightly obese weighs around 77kg. Axis : Normal Rate : 79bpm Rhythm : Normal sinus rhythm P wave : 103 msec QRS complex : 95 msec Position of heart - Q-T interval : 439 msec P-R interval : 134 msec T wave : Normal S-T segment : Normal Comments: Normal sinus rhythm                       Anteriorlateral ischemia
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Her ECG is showing changes for heart attack. Plan for echocardiography—> coronary angiography.
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ECG shows changes suggestive of heart attack. If she has chest pain or breathlessness, please visit a hospital emergently. Otherwise visit tomorrow and get an ECHO done. She might require Angiography.
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There are significant st t changes in inferior lateral leads Advisable to get 2 d echocardiography Is there any symptoms of chest pain / sweating / shortness of breath on exertion
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