Fear of people,depression
Good morning, Here I m asking for my relative. She was a normal person. She is doing her daily routine. but from past six months she is not usual. she is fear of strangers, especially male. she is in fear of somebody is trying to take (kidnap or kill) her, her daughter & grand daughter. she feeling very depressed. she is silently crying. she is not sleeping properly. she is not eating properly. we consulted a doctor. we r taking her to regular check ups, recently TSH done. found that she is hypo thyroid. we r trying to engage her in household works to deviate from her loneliness and thinking. after talking with relatives (who r known to her from many years) she is normal & happy. if any phone rings she becomes tensed. she become very sweaty even the weather is cool. some times she suddenly falls a sleep. we really don't know how to deal with her problem. suggest any work that we could do to make her alright. what kind of treatment should be taken. suggest us. Thank you so much.
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Consult nearest psychiatrist as she require detalied counseling session and systematic evaluation and she may require medications such as SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants or anti psychotic... With that tell her to fallow relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation,avoid alcohol, smoking, coffee, tea...have good sleep and Consult nearest psychiatrist as you require detailed counseling session and you may require medications such as SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants... With that fallow relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation,avoid coffee, tea...have good sleep and develop healthy food habits..good luck.
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Why do people with depression sleep so much
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