Fait feel/ undigestion
Now i got hba1c =7.1, weight 95kg and 174cm height. doctor told me to take istavel 50/500 last year for one month since then i feel faint and light headed immediately for any meal. i have stopped the medication and my sugar levels are in control. i have acidity and took medication. now no acidity problems. but faint feel is continuing; within 10min after my meal i feel faint and lasts for 15 to 20min . since then stool is not clear with small particles always appear.
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Answers (1)

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Hello, I understand your problem. Since you where on medications for diabetes you need to more careful regarding the sugar levels. You need to monitor your blood.sugar levels every fort night. You should reduce your weight ny maintaining diet but by not skipping meals. Have regular follow up with doctor who is treating for your diabetes. Thank you
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