My doctor has prescribed me Keraglo AD Anti-dandruff shampoo,Keraglo xl serum and Keraglo men tab for hair fall. Are these good to take, are there any side effects and what are they?? But I have planned to take only tab and shampoo.should I also take the serum also.
Ingredients for shampoo:Aloe Vera+D Panthenol+Ichthyol Pale+Ketoconazole.
Ingredients for serum:Biochanin-A & Tetrapeptide-3Acetyl (Kera XL Hair Growth Serum Solution contains Almond, Essential Oil and
Vitamin E as active ingredients.)
Ingredients for tab:Biotin,
Calcium Pantothenate, Elemental Copper, Elemental Selenium, Elemental Zinc and N-Acetyl L-Cysteine as active ingredients.