BP 130/90 is it ok or not
My bp is always 130/90 approx...n i feel my heartbeat almost in head...n shaken hands...why so...please suggest me...if there is any reason to worry...i had my tmt in last august...n it comes out totally normal
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130/90/ not bad... You need to fallow strict diet and exercise to prevent future food rich in proteins and fibres like egg white boiled chicken vegetables fruits pulses, avoid carbohydrate rich foods like rice curds oily foods sweets ghee and other junk food. Regarding exercises - start slowly with brisk walking, then change over to jogging, running and other abdominal exercises. Never over strain yourself. And always keep yourself well hydrated...consult physician for further help.
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Your BP is within normal limits. It is likely that the sensation that you're feeling is palpitation. A heart palpitation is the sensation that your heart has skipped a beat or added an extra beat. It may feel like your heart is racing, pounding, or fluttering. You may become overly aware of your heartbeat. This sensation can also be felt in the neck, throat, or chest. It’s also possible that your heart rhythm can change during the palpitations. Most heart palpitations are harmless and resolve on their own without treatment. But in rare cases, heart palpitations can indicate a serious condition. Possible causes for palpitation are: - Strenuous exercise - Caffeine - Nicotine from tobacco products such as cigarettes and cigars - Stress - Anxiety - Fear - Panic - Dehydration - Hormonal changes - Electrolyte abnormalities - Low blood sugar - Anemia - Overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism - Low levels of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the blood - Blood loss - Shock - Fever - Over-the-counter (OTC) medications, including cold and cough medications, herbal supplements, and nutritional supplements - Prescription medications, including beta-blockers, asthma inhalers, and decongestants - illegal drugs, such as amphetamines and cocaine - Heart disease - Arrhythmia, or an irregular heart rhythm - Abnormal heart valves - Smoking I would advise you to visit a MD general medicine so that you can be examined and undergo investigations such as CBC, thyroid profile, etc to find the underlying cause of the problem and have it treated.
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