Baby breech condition
Now im in 38 weeks 2days pregnant. the baby was in breech condition. Dr said that we have to go for c section. but the pblm was anasthesia. my body wont supports that. previously i had apendisectomy in my school days. is there any chances to get normal delivery. and im worrying about my baby's weight in 8th month scan they said 2.12kg weight. how to improve my baby weight. we met many problems from day one of my pregnancy like - bleeding in 3rd month that is 8 weeks 2days. Dr said bicornuate uterus. after that i met another Gynocologist in 9 weeks 2days period. she said no pblm no worry about the biconuate. At the 19 weeks checkup they said there is an amniotic band appeared its pblm for ur baby. i went to another hospital for second opinion there i got a good news that there is no band its a sheet that was also free moving. but the weight of the baby is less & head weight also less im getting tension about the c section & baby weight. today i have last scan to know the delivery date
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U have to undergo lscs. Because baby has high mortality in breech with normal delivery
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