Anal fissure

2023-09-28 09:53:05
Pain in anal region and tear in near constipation and no blood ..what medicine will relief me.plz suggest..

Answers (2)

Hello, Apply crema gel locally to anal region Syrup cremaffin 10ml night time before bed x5days
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further queries u can consult
Health Tips
sitz bath4-5times a day Plenty of oral fluids High fiber diet Green leafy vegetables Avoid fat, oil and spicy foods Review after one week or sos

Answered2023-09-28 10:24:53

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Apply lignocaine ointment locally thrice daily . Tab ultracet 1-0-1 Syp cremaffin 10ml only night . Do sitz bath regularly
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Teleconsultation for further doubts and detailed information

Answered2023-09-28 09:59:34

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