Acne and scars
I get pimples and then the scar remains forever. I had gone for Chemical peel after taking recommendation from an aesthetic doctor. But nothing changed. I still have scars on my face. What do I need to do to get a clear skin?
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Hi. Greetings. Pimples may often leave spots especially if not treated or if we burst pimples or pick them. You'll need skin lightening creams for a specified duration to reduce the marks , and this could also be dealt with chemical peeling. Also you must use a sunscreen to prevent darkening of the spots. For scars, creams or peels may not work n you may need procedures like microneedling, microneedling rf, fractional lasers, prp or subscision or a combination of these. Send in your pictures if you need further assistance. Or see a dermatologist near you and discuss the same with him. Hope this helps. Warm regards.
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