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Dr. Archana S Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon in Bangalore

Dr. Archana S

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Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon

20 Years Experience Overall  (15 years as specialist)

Medical Registration Verified

Dr. Archana S is an Ophthalmologist currently practicing in Bangalore. Her expertise lies in general ophthalmology, providing treatments for Retina, Basic Eye Check-up, Cornea, Diabetic Eye Check-up, and Glaucoma Treatment. She regularly takes part in many conferences held across the country in order to add to her knowledge about the latest developments in the field of ophthalmology. Dr. Archanas goal is to serve her patients by helping them with their personal eye health and providing them with professional and advanced eye care.

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Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital
₹500Max 30 mins wait
Pulikeshi Nagar