Liver Cancer: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

Meaning of Liver Cancer

Cancer is a fatal disease which may occur in a person at any point in his life due to the abnormal growth of cells. Liver cancer is one such type of cancer that occurs due to the occurrence of tumors in the liver. Based on its nature, liver cancer can be broadly classified into two types:

  • Hepatocellular Carcinoma- In this, cancer-causing cells originate in the liver.
  • Metastatic Cancer- In this type of cancer, the cancerous cells originate in some other parts of the body and then spread to the liver.

With the diagnosis of liver cancer at the right time, followed by the right treatment and cure, liver cancer can be handled efficiently.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer

The liver cancer symptoms may not be visible in a person until the advanced stage of cancer is reached. Therefore, one must be very careful. Listed below are some of the symptoms:

  • Enlargement of liver
  • Abdominal pain
  • Unexpected weight loss
  • Jaundice fever
  • Nausea and vomiting

These symptoms may be noticed in people who do not have cancer. Still, for precaution, one must consult the doctor to be sure about their causes.

Diagnosis of Liver Cancer

Those who notice any of the liver cancer symptoms must consult the doctor immediately, who may further ask them to perform the following tests to diagnose cancer efficiently.

  • Blood tests- The blood tests for Liver Cancer include checking for blood clotting and the measure and proportions of red blood cells and white blood cells in a person’s body.
  • Tests for hepatitis- In this, the presence of hepatitis B or C are checked.
  • Imaging- Tests like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or CT (Computerized Tomography) scan are used to check for the nature and occurrence of cancerous cells in the liver.
  • Biopsy- In this, a sample of cancer-causing tissues are removed from the body and observed under a microscope to understand their growth rate properly.
  • Laparoscopy- To observe the liver and its surrounding areas, a tube-like instrument is inserted in a person’s body by surgery.

Causes of Liver Cancer

Though the exact causes of liver cancer are not very clear, given below are some of the reasons for liver cancer development in a person:

  • Heavy alcohol use
  • High consumption of arsenic
  • Excessive smoking
  • Low immunity
  • Obesity
  • Long-term exposure to aflatoxins

Prevention of Liver Cancer

In order to prevent cancer and save yourself from its harsh effects, the following precautions must be taken:

  • Reduce alcohol consumption- Alcohol is the biggest enemy of the liver, and causes various problems like hepatitis, cirrhosis, inflammation, etc. Therefore, people must try to reduce the intake of alcohol in order to keep their liver healthy for a long time.
  • Maintain a normal body weight- Obesity can be one of the biggest reasons for liver cancer. A normal BMI (Body Mass Index) must be maintained by everyone to minimize liver diseases.
  • Take measures to prevent hepatitis- Vaccines and drugs must be taken in order to prevent hepatitis, which can be one of the major causes of liver cancer.
  • Prevent intravenous drugs- Infected syringes; drugs can make a person prone to liver diseases like hepatitis-C. Therefore, one must try to stay away from intravenous drugs as much as possible.

Thus, it would be right to say that if a person takes the above-mentioned precautions, they can surely help themselves from being a part of this major disease.

Treatment of Liver Cancer

There are many types of research going on to find the best treatment for liver cancer. However, the two main treatments for liver cancer until now, are:

  • Liver Transplant- Those who have a tumor of size less than 5cm can go for liver transplants. In this, a part of a healthy person’s liver is put on the liver of a person with cancer. 
  • Partial hepatectomy- In this, the part of the liver which has the tumor is removed surgically. However, it is only possible when the tumor is concentrated in a very small area. 
  • Chemotherapy- In this, drugs are given to the patient orally or through blood to retard the growth of cancerous cells in the body.

Complications with Liver Cancer

Some of the liver cancer complications that may occur after treatment are:

  • Hair loss and tiredness
  • Abdominal pain and high temperature
  • Nausea and constipation are the side effects of painkillers
  • Loss of appetite and mouth sores

Homemade Remedies for Liver Cancer

Some of the best ways to prevent and cure liver cancer are given below:

  • Green Tea- Green tea has oxidants which help in preventing cancer by slowing down the rate of growth of tumors.
  • Cumin- Cumin is a source of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. It helps in controlling the damage caused to tissues.
  • Ginger- Ginger helps in promoting the growth of healthy liver cells. It is one of the best homemade remedies for the treatment of liver cancer.
  • Exercise- Daily exercises help in controlling weight, which in turn reduces the risk of obesity that may be one of the causes of liver cancer.

Did You Know? (Trivia)

  • Liver cancer is most common in countries located in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.
  • The 5 year survival rate for people with localized cancer is 31%.
  • Liver cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide.
Would you like to consult a doctor for Liver Cancer ?

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