
Health Q&A
Cold ear discharge and ear pain

I have cold, cough and fever before 2 days now I have cold and due to this today ear discharge happened visited dr for treatment just want to know when ear discharge stop

How do I save myself

I use underground water drawn via submersible pump that we store in tank on terrace. The problem is I hardly get a chance to clean the tank since there isn't a proper staircase made. Often while flushing or washing a few drizzles or drops of water fall in face and sometimes I can feel the droplets falling in nostrils too. Ever since I read about N Fowleri infection, try as much but each time such incidence happens I fear for my life as I read it is mostly fatal. Can such infection happen merely by some droplets falling in nostril and us breathing them or it usually can occur when a lot of water enters nose forcibly. I consulted many doctors but can someone please clarify this for me.  It is summer so that makes me more scared. Is it prevalent in UP?

Mouth Sores

My mother  has consulted  doctors, they said there maybe is less production of saliva and some told that they don't know. My mother's  lips start sticking to the gums, which causes wounds, itching and burning.

Ear pain while sneezing

Hi From last few months I observed, whenever I sneeze i feel unbearable pain in both my ears However this pain lasts just for 10 seconds but it's insane. Is this normal , I don't have any medical history of ear infection or pain . I use ear buds to clean ear wax once in a week.

Muscle pain in lower cheek

I'm facing pain in right cheek muscles and is extending to ear. I have consulted dentist and she told its TMJ, but I'm not facing any issue while opening my mouth and eating. I also consulted an ent doc and he said some nerve pain and prescribed Gabantin NT for nerve pain. But even after taking that tablet, the pain is still there. Dentist has suggested Myospaz forte and I'm relieved from the pain when I take Myospaz. But I want to know what is the pain and permanent Medication since I can't depend on pain killers forever. I don't have any other medical conditions, except low vitamin D. Please help