
Health Q&A
Help me with hair loss

Hairfall from past 2 month is this seasonal?? or is it some other reason?? what should i do?? i had a really nice volumn bt it is getting lost

Remedy for red rashes in summer

Please suggest one good dusting powder for red rashes developed in summer on neck and back side, mild itching is there

Eczema and itchy body

A 62 yr old with eczema. Suffering from eczema on neck from 2009 which was a small patch on neck due to some constructions happened in home..used tenovate for years and it cured while using ointment. From last 6 months it spread everywhere in body . initially was only on neck.then hands then legs nd now body full Different ointments and medicines prescribed and it turned those spots black Itchy and bumpy eczema ful body While stopping medicines it triggers again Is possible for any allergies to food? How to control this

Can i take steam to clean my pores

I want to ask can i take steam to clean my pores twice monthly please help , i need ur recommendations

Acne and pigmentation

I'm getting so many acnes now a days... I never used to get..i recently moved to Canada. One goes and another one comes and leaves a dark spot... My face is full of acne and acne scars. I'm using cerave acne cleaner, followed by panoxyl face wash with 4℅ Benz oil in it follower by cereve moisturize and neutrogena sunscreen, in the night same process with cereve retinol.. I can see the difference but I look terrible... Please guide me doctor