General Endocrinology

Health Q&A

Hello, I did my FBS and Hb1AC test today and both of them are normal . Is it still required to do Postprandial as well. Please suggest

Will body produce on the same day night?

When will the body likely start producing natural growth hormone again after injecting synthetic HGH at 9 am, given its suppressive effects on the body's own growth hormone production? Will body produce on the same day night

Hba1c elevated

My mom is having normal blood sugar level Fbs-127 Ppbs-140 Blood pressure -140/80 Urea creatinine normal Only there is hike in Hba1c Thai is 6.2 How to lower it

Fasting sugar 180-220 and Pp 180-250

Hi, My dad is taking Glykind M from past few years and from last 20 days sugar levels are high. As per Doctor advise, medicine changed to Vildapride and diet is immensely controlled ( from last 10 days ) but sugar levels are still the same. What should be next action.


My Hba1c result is 5.7, while all other tests show no sugar. My doctor gave me no medicine and suggested that it is normal. Should I be concerned about my being in prediabetes range?