Chin Augumentation Mentoplasty

Health Q&A
Is this melanoma

I've attached files ..please see the pictures and tell me if its melanoma and if it's not then what is this? it is 1 year old ..i'm worried pls help

Laser and lip filler

Can q switch nd yag laser affect my lip filler ...can laser for lip pigmentation dissolve my lip filler

Kindly suggest

Sir / mam , 3 days back I ate prawn.. and I have prawn allergy. From yesterday evenings there was itching all over the body and red red spots were there.. I took Levocetrizine yesterday and today morning. Now all the body there are red red spots and I have itching. Kindly pls suggest what medicine or lotions to be used.. ?

Help me with hair loss

Hairfall from past 2 month is this seasonal?? or is it some other reason?? what should i do?? i had a really nice volumn bt it is getting lost

Dry and flaky skin

From last few days there is itching in my both the eyebrows and skin is getting flaky and dry patches is coming out and that part of the skin is getting lighter.