
Health Q&A
Hair damage and become curly

I have straight hair from starting but i don't know what happen that my hair become curly from front, hair is also too damage,always stand in upward side My hair is thin so i can't do anything treatment in parlor.need help

Contact dermatitis

Hi I've contact dermatitis on my feet. My trigger point is detergents and hard water. I've used few medicines prescribed by dermatologist but it is again and again coming back. It's very painful and itchy. Prescribed medications were nanovate cream( clobetasol proportionate ip cream)and few moisturizers. I've also used propysalic nf lotion. But nothing works any other medicines or ointment that can work. Please suggest me.


In recently I consult dermotologist for my acne scar and pores related. doctor suggested yellow peel and PRP treatment. But the price for the treatment was very high. Kindly suggest best clinic for yellow peel and PRP treatment at Chennai in low cost.

Having hair fall

I have been having hair fall since last 6 years Initially I used to shelve off my head just to avoid loosing my hair . I continued shaving my head for 5 years and so I retained my hair and did not see any considerable loss , but since last one year I have stopped shaving my head and I see lot golf hair falling , I have been taking treatment from dr Batra for it for the last one year Initially they told that the conditions will improve in a year or so But it has been one year now I am still loosing my hair Now I even see my hair density decreasing please suggest what should I do

Milia treatment

Hi i have got milias on both cheeks on the face could you please suggest a cream since my skin doesn't feel smooth while i touch.