
Health Q&A
Cefadox kids 125 mg

Hi doctor my kid is 3 years old.he has skin infection so I just went to the dermatologist doctor near us.he sugges tto give cefadox kids 125 it safe for 3 years kid.pls suggest .is there is any side effects for this tablet.pls suggest kid is 12.2 kgs.

Laser Hair Removal

My daughter has facial hair she take laser treatments almost 12 sittings in India but problem is not resolved she still have facial hair. Should she take another round of laser treatment? She stays in US so the next round of treatment will be from a clinic in US.

Excessive sweating on the s , face, neck

I sweat a lot .. other body parts are okay, but excessive sweating on the head and face. I don't have high blood pressure and any sure things. If i have to rate the sweating on my face, its (20/10)


It's possible to cure acne scars and poars without any peel or laser treatment. And mention any face cream to apply for it.

Lump in my femoral area

I can feel a lump on the right of the femoral area, it grew a bit in size and it pains while touching.