Autonomic Neurology

Health Q&A
Can physiotherapy help with migraines?

I am recently diagnosed with migraines. And doctor has prescribed medicines. I don't want to depend on these medicines too much. I am wondering if any natural way like physiotherapy can help in this situation. Please suggest

Numbness in left arm

I often get numbness in my left arm just after waking up in the morning, after sometime it goes off. I had done all the cardiac tests in april i.e. ecg echo tmt holter etc are they are normal. But don't know why this left arm gets numb. Today numbness covered some are below left Armpit too. Is it serious or worrying ? Pl guide

Constant headache and pain in the eye

I have been.having headache around the head and in the back and pain in my eyes for about two years now. I consulted an ophthalmologist and neurologist and even took an MRI brain scan two years ago. But they found nothing wrong. Could it be some other underlying condition?

Headache & migraine

Hell doctor good day!!! After all checks like mri brain, mri contast and orbit doctor confirmed everything seems fine and good. And he said the symptoms I have had are migraine. So agained visted neurology doctor and said my migraine issues, he then prescribed two medicines topamac 25mg and 50mg and sibelium question is after googling I saw the side effects those were very shocking to me. Shall I use them for my migraine is my question? Please suggest.

A mussale ball back side of face in head

A minor ball was recognise since 15 yrs of age.. that was not creating problems but in past two three months sparking in head feels... What to do now headache also released