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104 Gastric Bypass Surgery Doctors in India

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Dr. R.Kannan

General Surgeon
27 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Prashant Hegde

Laparoscopic Surgeon
23 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy

General Surgeon
19 years experience overall

Dr. Gabriel Sukumar Chinnam

Laparoscopic Surgeon
34 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sanjeev Singh Yadav

Laparoscopic Surgeon
36 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rohit Sachitanand Shool

General Surgeon
19 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rehan Sabir Momin

General Surgeon
21 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sunil Kumar B Alur

General Surgeon
26 years experience overall

Dr. R.V Raghavendra Rao

GastroIntestinal Surgeon
25 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Deepak Subramanian

General Surgeon
21 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgeries Doctors In India

Average Ratings
 (508 Reviews & Ratings)
Gastric Bypass Surgery in India

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

It is a surgical technique to rearrange and attach small intestine to the already cut stomach into a small viable segment and a large remnant.

How much does Gastric Bypass Surgery cost?

Cost of Gastric Bypass Surgery depends on various factors and they are:

  1. Type of procedure planned to be performed
  2. Type of the hospital
  3. Doctor fee
  4. Admission fee
  5. The medical condition of the patient
  6. Post-surgical complications that are involved

Minimum Price for Gastric Bypass Surgery in India starts from Rs.1,00,000

Average cost for Gastric Bypass Surgery in India is approximately Rs.3,77,615

Maximum amount to be paid for Gastric Bypass Surgery in India is up to Rs.8,80,000

Right specialists type for Gastric Bypass Surgery?

A General surgeon or a Bariatric surgeon can perform Gastric Bypass Surgery.

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery painful?

It is a major procedure and is done under general anesthesia. Post-procedure discomfort is met with pain killers. 

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery covered by insurance?

It depends on the type and company of insurance opted.

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery permanent?

Yes, when done correctly, the surgery can provide long term weight loss.

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery right for me?

It depends on the patient’s BMI, your accompanying health issues because of obesity.

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery reversible?

Only an adjustable gastric band can be reversed. None of the other surgical procedures can be reversed under the gastric bypass.

What are the complications/risks associated with Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Following may be noted:

  1. Infection and bleeding
  2. Thromboembolism
  3. Hernia
  4. Bowel obstruction
  5. Stricture at the anastomosis site
  6. Ulcer at the anastomosis site
  7. Leakage at the anastomosis site
  8. Dumping syndrome
  9. Breathing difficulties
  10. Gall bladder stones
  11. Malnutrition

What is stomach bypass surgery?

It is a synonym for gastric bypass surgery and has the same procedural details.

What happens after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Post the surgery, the following may be advised:

  1. Specific diet for a few weeks including NPO for the first 48 hours
  2. Frequent medical check-ups
  3. Rapid weight loss in the first 3 months, leading to body aches, lethargy
  4. Dehydration
  5. Dry skin
  6. Hair loss & thinning
  7. Mood changes
  8. In severe cases, depression can happen too

How long is Gastric Bypass Surgery recovery?

Depending upon the type of Gastric Bypass Surgery done and comorbidities, it may take from 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

How does Gastric Bypass Surgery work?

Since there is a small stomach that is directly attached to the small intestine, the appetite of the patient is curbed and results in rapid weight loss.

How Gastric Bypass Surgery is done?

In simpler words, the stomach is cut into a small pouch and a long remnant pouch. The small intestine is then cut and attached to both ends.

How does Gastric Bypass Surgery cure diabetes?

Since the food is rapidly passed to the small intestine, it becomes an important area for the use of glucose and blood glucose is automatically lowered then.

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery safe?

All care is taken to do an aseptic procedure to minimize the post-surgery side effects. The outcome will vary from patient to patient.

How to get Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Meet a General Surgeon and discuss your obesity and medical issues associated with it. Treatment can be charted, which may include the surgery.

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