Beans and lentils a class of vegetables that includes beans, peas and lentils — are among the most versatile and nutritious foods available. Legumes are typically low in fat, contain no cholesterol, and are high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium. They also contain beneficial fats and soluble and insoluble fiber. A good source of protein, legumes can be a healthy substitute for meat, which has more fat and cholesterol. Lentils and beans are rich in many nutrients but are particularly rich when it comes to the B vitamins. Consuming sufficient amounts of B vitamins from food sources such as lentils and other foods can help to prevent heart attacks. Here are a few points stating the importance of beans and lentils and why you should add beans and lentils to your diet.

Helps in weight loss: Having the right amount of fiber in our diet is necessary for proper digestion and also makes us feel full for longer. Beans and lentils have all these qualities. Having beans and lentils in your diet also provide you the energy and satiety to keep you feel full for longer and avoid mid-junk snacking.

Pump more iron: Combining iron-rich beans and lentils with good sources of vitamin C increases the body’s ability to absorb the iron. Lentils are a great source of iron; one cup provides 37 percent of the daily recommended value.

Heart Health: Studies have found that people who eat high fiber legumes like beans and lentils have a much reduced risk of heart disease. The high levels of folate and magnesium in lentils also go a long way in protecting the heart.

Cancer Prevention: It has been proven that beans and lentils stimulate cancer preventing enzymes and can help lower harmful estrogen levels that could lead to breast cancer. According to a new research, women who eat beans and lentils have a significantly lower risk of developing this type of cancer because they contain antioxidants, fiber and phytoestrogens.

Helpful in Diabetics: Beans and Lentils prevent extreme increase in body insulin and stabilize blood sugar levels because they provide a slower and more consistent source of glucose to the bloodstream as they stimulate less insulin release than other high glycemic foods. Beans and Lentils are also high in fiber which helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

Above you read why you should eat beans and lentils. Now read the nutritional facts about Beans and Lentils.

As touched on, beans and lentils are higher in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress, which is associated with degenerative diseases in the body.

Beans and pulses are also a rich source of vegetable protein making legumes a good choice for vegetarian or meat-reduced diets.

Beans and Pulses are low in fat and high in dietary fiber, which makes beans truly magical as they help to remove cholesterol from the body before it is absorbed, thereby reducing risk of heart disease.

Bean and lentils also contains a healthy dose of thiamin, which regulates memory and brain function.

Many beans and pulses also contain isoflavones, which can ease menopause symptoms and improve bone and prostate health, just to name a few benefits.

Beans, lentils and legumes are food sources with high nutrition value and little fat. These are rich in proteins, fiber, vitamins and calcium and are easy to cook . As far as super foods go, beans easily make it to the top of the list.