What is Spondylitis or Spondylosis?

Spondylitis is the swelling or inflamation in one or more spine bones called vertebra. It generally means arthritis in the spine. A more appropriate term is Spondylosis but since people commonly use Spondylitis it has more or less become a synonym. Spondylosis is the swelling in one or more discs of the spine. 

Our spine is divided into three regions. 

Neck, mid back and lower back. Neck area has 7 vertebrae which is the Cervical Spine. Upper and mid back is called Thoracic or Dorsal Spine and has 12 vertebrae. Low back is made of 5 vertebrae called Lumbar Spine. Hence the terms Cervical Spondylosis for neck pain and Lumbar Spondylosis for low back pain.

Neck and Low Back Pain 

3 Easy and Effective ways to prevent early degenerative changes in spine that cause Spondylosis.

Prolong bending of neck when using phone can cause pain and early spondylitis of spine.
Poor posture is a signifciant cause of early spondylitis and degeration of spine.

Posture : It plays a very crucial role in keeping our spine healthy and preventing early degenerative changes. In sitting posture always remember to keep shoulders down and back. Keep the back straight and avoid slouching. When sitting for hours working on a laptop or desktop make sure the top part of the screen is at your eye level. If needed get a laptop raise to level it. Sit on a comfortable chair and avoid using sofa, bed or awkward postures when using computer. Use a designated work station even at home. Sleeping on a firm mattress with a firm pillow. When standing for prolong periods take weight equally on both sides and avoid putting the weight only on one side.

Regular stretching can help significanly in preventing spondylitis and other degerative changes in spine.

Regular Stretching and Strengthening Exercises : When we spend hours in sitting position it tightens our back and neck muscles. It is very important to do stretching exercises for neck and back muscles daily and take frequent breaks when working. Doing group yoga, gym workouts, aerobic exercises etc can help keep up motivation.

Fruits and Vegetables provide vitamins and minerals for spine health.
Plant and Animal based protein builds muscle strength.
Milk and dairy products helps in improving calcium for bone health.

Diet : A proper balanced diet with all nutrients including milk, milk products, green leafy vegetables, fruits, dry fruits and nuts, whole grains, plant and animal proteins helps in maintaining strong muscles and bones in the spine. Sunlight is the single most important source of Vitamin D. 25 to 30 minutes of sunlight exposure can help maintain adequate vitamin D levels.

Sunlight is single most important source of Vitamin D.