Monsoon season is the time when everybody becomes conscious about their skin and hair. The women folk do, but nowadays, the men are not too far behind. We all put in extra efforts to keep our skin healthy. We also take extra care of our hair so that they look strong and shiny.

While all this is very important, have you ever given a thought that it's actually the feet which need our utmost attention in the rainy season? After all, it's the feet that get dirty in the muddy roadside rainwater again and again! 

So, for those lovely feet of yours, here are 4 ways to take care of them this monsoon:

1. Footwear

But of course this is the first thing that needs your attention. Choosing the right footwear is extremely important during the monsoons. Gum boots are a perfect option for a rainy day! They not only dry faster but protect your feet from the dirty water. Sport shoes/ shoes made of canvas/ sneakers etc don't score so well here because once you step out in the rain wearing them, they get wet easily and remain so for long periods. This in turn creates a very conducive medium for the growth of bacteria, fungi etc., leading to Tinea Pedis and Pseudomonas infections. Open toed plastic sandals or strappy sandals can be an option since they dry faster but aren't as safe as the rubber boots/ closed footwear since the dangers of exposure to the dirty water remains.

2. Keeping Feet Clean

Keeping your feet clean by washing them once (just with plain water) as soon as you come back at home is advisable. Like I mentioned, it's not only the moisture but the dirty water that needs to be cleaned off of your feet.

3. Nail Hygiene

Cutting your toe nails and keeping them short helps prevent the harbouring of bacteria and fungi under the nails and in turn prevents infections and not to forget, smelly feet! It's a tiny, but a very important aspect of foot care.

4. Cover Cuts / Abrasions

If you have any wounds on your feet, make sure they are properly covered. Here again closed shoes/ boots are the best option. Rain water is known to carry a bacteria called Leptospira. How does this contamination occur? Well, because the drains get clogged due the rain water the rats have no place to go and they come out in to the open. These rats then freely urinate and defecate in the rain water. The rat urine is a carrier of Leptospira and that is how the organism gets access to the rain water. Under normal circumstances, (normal skin) this bacteria is incapable of entering the human body. But if there are cuts on the feet then these bacteria get very easy access into the body and what develops then is a disease called Leptospirosis. Fever, pain in the joints/ muscles, nausea, vomiting, red spots/rashes are seen in this condition. Oral medicines are needed to treat this case.

So this monsoon give your feet some thought. Make sure you keep your feet dry (as much as you can).