Tennis Elbow: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment


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What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis Elbow also goes by the name “Lateral Epicondylitis.” It is usually a painful condition that happens when the tendons located in the elbow become overloaded –generally through repetitive motions of the arms and wrists. Given the name, Tennis Elbow is not just restricted to the athletes and might happen to a wide range of individuals subjected to repetitive motions of the arms & wrists. As such, Tennis Elbow is quite common among individuals including athletes, painters, carpenters, butchers, and plumbers.

The symptoms of Tennis Elbow pain usually occur at the location wherein the tendons of the forearm muscles get attached to the bony bump located outside the elbow. The pain associated with Tennis Elbow could also spread to the wrist and the entire forearm. The pain can be usually felt while straightening or extending one’s arm fully.

How does Tennis Elbow Occur?

The tendon is the muscle part that attaches it to the surrounding bone. The forearm tendons of the body are responsible for attaching the forearm muscles to the bone located outer to the elbow. The condition of Tennis Elbow usually occurs when some specific muscle located in the forearm –the ECRB (Extensor Capri Radialis Brevis) muscle –gets damaged. The ECRB muscle helps in extending or raising the wrist & the forearm.

Repetitive movements or stress can damage the ECRB muscles of the forearm. This could lead to the formation of extremely minute tears in the tendons of the ECRB muscles at the point where the tendons attach themselves to the elbow’s outer regions. The tears that are caused could lead to pain & inflammation. 

The signs of Tennis Elbow could be triggered by any external activity involving repetitive twisting & turning of the wrists. Such activities might include:

  • Swimming
  • Playing tennis or other similar racquet sports
  • Turning keys
  • Golfing
  • Frequently making use of hammers, screwdrivers, or computer system

Who is Prone to Tennis Elbow?

Anyone who is involved in vigorous, repetitive actions of the wrists including its turning, twisting and continuous movements could develop the signs of Tennis Elbow

What are the Symptoms of Tennis Elbow? How is Tennis Elbow Diagnosed?

The symptoms of Tennis Elbow pain might vary depending on the frequency and degree of damage done to the tendons located in the wrist. The pain of Tennis Elbow might also radiate from the outside of the elbow to the wrist & forearm. The common signs and symptoms of Tennis Elbow might include:

  • Mild pain in the elbow that might gradually become worse
  • Pain that extends from the outside of the elbow at first, going down to the wrist and forearm
  • A weakened grip
  • Increased or shooting pain while squeezing some object or shaking hands
  • Increased pain while opening jars, lifting heavy objects, or using some tools

If the self-care tips of the Tennis Elbow symptoms might not lessen the pain associated with the condition, then you must consult your doctor in the first place.


The condition of Tennis Elbow is usually diagnosed during a specific physical examination by your physician. The doctor might ask about your profession –whether you are into sports –and how you developed the Tennis Elbow symptoms. The doctor might then perform specific physical tests to make the diagnosis. The doctor might apply some pressure on the location where the tendon attaches itself to the bones of the forearm to check for any pain or discomfort. When the elbow is kept straight, and the wrist is turned or flexed, you might feel pain from the outer end of the elbow while extending the wrist. 

The doctor might also conduct some imaging tests including X-rays & MRI scans.

What are the Complications of Tennis Elbow?

  • Difficulty in the movement of the wrist & forearms
  • Persistent pain in the elbows
  • Difficult while doing certain tasks including lifting heavy objects or twisting the arms

What is the Treatment for Tennis Elbow?

The Tennis Elbow symptoms and treatment options might depend on the level of pain and damage done to the tendons in the elbows. Around 85 to 90 percent of the Tennis Elbow might be treated effectively without the involvement of any surgery. Here are some possibilities:

  • Physical Therapy including massages, arm exercises, and muscle-stimulating exercises.
  • Ultrasound therapy in which an ultrasound probe emits high-frequency sound waves to the muscles that help in reducing the inflammation & relieving pain.
  • Steroid injections upon doctor’s prescription that can help in reducing the inflammation.
  • Shock wave therapy that transmits sound waves to the affected region promoting the self-healing process of the body.
Would you like to consult a doctor for Tennis Elbow ?

Questions answered by trusted doctors

Verified User
How many days of physio do I require to completely heal tennis elbow? Should I continue to get physio until the pain is completely gone? Also, when should I start the stretching and strengthening exercises?
Dr. Sivaraman B
Orthopedist, Chennai
Hi, physio usually necessary for 5 days then exercises. Avoid straining your Extensors of wrist. If pain not subsided then steroid or PRP injections are helpful. Consult elbow surgeon. Opinion given by Dr Sivaraman B. Consultant Shoulder and Elbow surgeon. Chennai.
Ms. Avanthi Prabhakar (PT)
Physiotherapist, Bangalore
You can go for dry needling within 5 sessions you'll be alright and gentle stretching from day 1 and strengthening once the pain scale becomes 0
Dr. Vishwas Virmani (PT)
Physiotherapist, Noida
Advice... Contrast Bath. Sports Taping. Gentle Stretching
Dr. Anuradha Sharma (PT)
Geriatric Physiotherapist, Noida
Depends on conditions it will tk few days.
Avoit all strain full activity till relief.
Mr. Amit Girey (PT)
Neuro Physiotherapist, Navi Mumbai
Hi normal recovery period for tennis elbow is 2-3 weeks once your pain starts to reduce with Physio you can start stretching under observation of physiotherapist.
Dr. Poonam Patil (PT)
Physiotherapist, Mumbai
It depends on patient to patient.. normally it takes 2 weeks approx..  Ice pack at home helps in subsiding pain & inflammation. Physio techniques, ultrasonics, kinesio taping helps effectively. Sessions should b continued uptil pain subsides. Strengthening part can b done after recovery of pain condition.
Verified User
I was suffering from tennis from almost 7-8 months tried all stretching ,exercises and ice pack treatment. On friday my physio injected xylocaine only under my elbow. now from friday uptil now my hand is in " L" position i dont have pain but unable to move/stretch  my elbow/ hand upwards . Is this normal??? kindly please reply !!!
Dr. Sareeka C. Katkuri (PT)
Physiotherapist, Mumbai
Hello pls visit a Mckenzie Physiotherapist for accurate diagnosis and treatment . I am specialised in the same . All the best
Verified User
I am searching for a physiotherapist who might help with physiotherapy for tennis elbow and thumb injury
Dr. Mehtab Beg (PT)
Physiotherapist, Lucknow
Don't worry, please do ice therapy for 20 minutes twice a day.

Avoid jerky movements and all types of exercises except resistive exercises can be do.

Take Elbow band..

Ultrasonic therapy at physiotherapy clinic for 15 days.

Ask health queries and get free answers from doctors in 24 hrs

Did you know?

Tennis elbow myth

Most often, the Tennis Elbow condition has nothing to do with Tennis.

Surgery not required

Most people do not require surgery

Positive attitude

The overall attitude can aid in recovery

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Home Remedies

Ample Rest

Rest is required to recover completely from tennis elbow, to restore strength in the muscles

Ice Massages

Ice packs soothe the pain in the elbow

Non-steroidal Medicines

Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines upon doctor’s prescriptions.