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Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (Mtp)
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21 Medical Termination Of Pregnancy Mtp Doctors in Gurgaon

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Dr. Anu Sidana

24 years experience overall

Dr. Suman Lal

28 years experience overall
1400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Deepika Aggarwal

26 years experience overall
1400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Astha Dayal

21 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Aruna Kalra

28 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

41 years experience overall

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Dr. Veena Bhat

42 years experience overall
1300 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Deepa Maheshwari

25 years experience overall
1090 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Priyanka Mishra

19 years experience overall
980 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (Mtp) Surgery

Dr. Renu Raina Sehgal

22 years experience overall
1310 Consultation fee at clinic

Medical Termination Of Pregnancy (mtp)

Medical Termination Of Pregnancy Mtp S Doctors In Gurgaon

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Medical Termination of Pregnancy [MTP] in Gurgaon

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

A non-surgical method that helps in terminating the pregnancy is the Medical Termination of Pregnancy [MTP]. MTP avoids the usage of medical instruments in aborting the unwanted pregnancy. MTP can be done by using the following medications:

  1. Oral mifepristone and oral misoprostol
  2. Methotrexate and vaginal misoprostol
  3. Oral mifepristone and buccal or vaginal or sublingual misoprostol
  4. Only vaginal misoprostol

What are the advantages of Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

Advantages of Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] are:

  1. Helps in avoiding usage of Medical instruments
  2. A safe and effective way to abort early pregnancies
  3. No anesthesia is used
  4. Hospital admission is not required

What are the indications of Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

In the following situations, Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] is indicated:

  1. Contraception failure
  2. Unwanted pregnancy
  3. Abnormal development of the fetus

What is the preparation needed for Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

  1. Discuss with the doctor about all the benefits, risks, and complications associated with MTP.
  2. Inform the doctor about past and present medical and medication history.
  3. Blood and urine tests may be performed before the procedure.
  4. To confirm that the pregnancy is not outside the uterus, the doctor may suggest getting a USG scan

What are the steps involved in Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

  1. The doctor prescribes two different medications. One is oral and the other may be buccal or vaginal or oral or sublingual.
  2. The first tablet should be taken orally in the hospital or at the clinic.
  3. The second tablet can be placed in ether vagina or between the teeth or below the tongue, follow the instructions by the doctor.
  4. In some cases, vaginal tablet alone may be prescribed.

What is the Postprocedure care for Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

  1. You may be asked to do a USG scan to check the status of the abortion.
  2. Follow up with the doctor is necessary to evaluate the uterine size and to check proper healing.
  3. To prevent vaginal infection, avoid vaginal intercourse for at least 1-2 weeks.
  4. Consult the physician, if you experience pain in the back, abnormal vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge with a foul smell or a fever for more than 24 hours.

Who can perform Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

MTP can be performed by Qualified Gynecologist.

What is the cost of Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] in Gurgaon?

MTP cost in Gurgaon depends on the following factors:

  1. Complications of the pregnancy
  2. Medical health condition of the patient
  3. Post-procedure complications that are involved
  4. Patient age
  5. Type of the hospital or clinic
  6. Type of medicines used

The minimum cost in Gurgaon starts from Rs.3,000

An average price in Gurgaon is approximately Rs.5,000

The maximum amount to be paid in Gurgaon rises up to Rs.8,000

Who can undergo Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

MTP is recommended in the following individuals:

  1. Any medical condition that affects the health condition of the mother and the fetus.
  2. Women with 6-12 weeks of pregnancy

Who cannot undergo Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

MTP is not recommended in the individuals who are:

  1. Individuals those are allergic to the Misoprostol or Mifepristone or Methotrexate
  2. People who are using an intrauterine device (IUD)
  3. Pregnancy above 13 weeks

What are the risks and complications involved in Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

Risks and complications that are involved in Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]are:

  1. Excessive loss of blood
  2. Incomplete abortion
  3. Vomiting
  4. Vaginal infection
  5. Low blood levels
  6. Severe abdominal cramps

How long does it take to complete Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

MTP takes almost 1-2 weeks to abort the pregnancy.

What is the success rate of Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]?

MTP success rate depends on:

  1. The medical condition of an individual
  2. Age of the patient
  3. Experience of the doctor 

However, the success rate of MTP is more than 95%

Is Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] painful?

There may be pain during or after the MTP method and this pain differs from one person to another. 

Is Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] Permanent?

MTP terminates the pregnancy within a week and is not permanent. 

Can Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] be detected in the future?

MTP cannot be detected in the future as the medications used will be discharged from the body.

What if Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP] fails?

In the case of failure MTP, the doctor may suggest minor surgery to eliminate pregnancy. 

What are the alternatives available for Medical Termination Pregnancy [MTP]? 

One of the alternatives to MTP is surgical abortion.

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